Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Developing a Weight Loss Plan

One can just look around these days, wherever one might be, and see that many, many people are in dire need of an effective weight loss plan.

The health problems that carrying around excess weight invites are legion. So if you're among those who want to trim down, get in better shape generally and, most importantly, get healthy, it's planning time.

Right out of the chute, you need to set your goals in a sensible and reasonable manner. Don't get too ambitious. Set a realistic weight loss goal over a realistic period of time and you'll have a much better chance at success.

Don't try to attain levels that you couldn't even attain 30 years ago. In much the same manner as exercise, if you couldn't run a 6 minute mile when you were 25, you have zero chance of accomplishing this feat now that you're 47.

Here's something else to use as a guideline. It's called your BMI, or your Body Mass Index. It's a solid barometer to use to judge just how much weight you should lose.

According to the National Institute of Health, the ideal measurement is approximately between 19 and 24.9, although many athletes have BMIs considerably lower.

If you're over that 25 reading, you're overweight - over a 30 reading and you need to get serious.

It should go without saying that incorporating a good exercise regimen into your program is a must. Weight training is also a positive, since building more muscle mass promotes the burning of more calories.

Bottom line is, develop a sensible weight loss plan you can live with and stick to it faithfully. If you do, you will be successful.

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