Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Monday, September 30, 2013

Is Mindless Eating Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? Tips on Becoming More Mindful

Are you sabotaging your weight loss with mindless eating? There seem to be so many opportunities to eat or overeat during the day and this makes mindless eating a sure way to self-destruct your weight loss efforts. If you find yourself unconsciously popping food in your mouth during the day then I highly encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read this article and discover just how easy it is to move away from mindless eating and become a mindful eater.

Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

The real secret to becoming a mindful eater is learning to bring your focus into what you are eating and when you do this the benefits are enormous, you not only slow down when you eat but you naturally eat less because you appreciate the foods more and you make better eating decisions because you notice the taste of foods more.

1. Bring your focus to your food by pulling in all of your senses when you eat. Look at your food, smell it, listen for a crunch, feel it in your mouth and taste it.

2. Write it down. Don't let yourself "forget" what you ate. Write everything you eat and drink down in a journal. You don't need this to be fancy, just a small tablet will work.

3. Divide your plate at meal times. To know that you are eating the right foods in the right portion sizes divide your plate. To do this draw an imaginary line through your plate and fill the top with vegetables and then divide the bottom half and put a portion of protein on the one side the same size and thickness as the palm of your hand and on the other side put a carbohydrate portion the size of your cupped hand - this gives you the perfect meal.

You can stop sabotaging your weight loss by becoming a more mindful eater and these tips will help you get there.

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American Idol Weight Loss Effect - Does Singing Boost Weight Loss?

I bet you didn't realize that American Idol can help you to lose a lot of weight. In fact, you can lose weight in a way that would seem like it's effortless.

So, does singing boost your ability to lose weight? Uh, of course not. Don't be silly. But... here's how American Idol can help you to lose weight.

It's simple. You exercise during the commercials.

The best way to do this is use a mini-trampoline to jump on. They cost around $25 at places like Wal-Mart. Basically, whenever a commercial comes on, you just jump on the mini-trampoline until American Idol gets back on. Is that so hard? Come on, give me an excuse as to why you can't jump on a mini-trampoline during American Idol commercials...

Excuses I hear from clients

You don't watch much tv... sure. Heard that one plenty of times from my clients. Zzz... sure you don't.

You don't have room for the mini-trampoline... possible, but I highly doubt it. You can store it against a wall or under your bed. As far as jumping on it and floor space... if you really wanted to lose weight, I know you'd be able to find a 3 foot by 3 foot spot somewhere in your house or apartment.

You're too busy... yeah, like the rest of us. Get over it. For 98% of the people reading this... no, you aren't too busy! If you use this excuse, you're either too lazy, too disorganized with your time, or too uncommitted to losing weight.

Let's face it, if you have time to watch American Idol, then you have time to exercise during commercials. So just do it. Stop looking for a miracle pill, just start with this simple plan using a simple exericse... at home and in private.

For More Related Topics Blog: Why Am I Not Losing Weight

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Green Tea Weight Loss As a Health Sustainable Alternative

Asian cultures have many things to thank for their slim figures, one of which is green tea. Green tea weight loss has only recently been discovered in the west and it is quickly gaining traction and becoming increasingly popular. Tea is an excellent healthy alternative to coffee and offers numerous other side benefits.

While the scientific community is still not convinced about the legitimacy of GT weight loss people continue to swear by the effects. GT has a mysterious ability to increase the metabolism and provide a feeling of well being and balance.

Aside from increasing the metabolism GT also prevents the body from absorbing consumed fat. This is related to how the polyphenals interact with the glucose in the blood stream. This fat blocking ability also leads to fewer spikes in blood sugar which means fewer cravings. These factors work together to cause a decreased appetite which allows for better weight control.

Green tea is also rich in anti-oxidants which eliminate free radicals and decrease the speed at which the body breaks down.

Many studies with favorable results required users to consume up to 10 cups per day. It is not realistic to expect to maintain this momentum over the long term, so it is suggested that you obtain as high a quality as possible and drink no less than 3 cups per day.

Adding slimming tea to your diet will allow for easier weight management but will certainly not take the weight off by itself. To loss weight it is imperative that you eat a healthy diet, high in nutrition and low in processed foods. And start and maintain a consistent exercise program.

The green tea diet has assisted countless generations in with their ability to maintain a healthy weight and live long and prosperous lives. Modeling behavior is not a new concept but it is very effective in learning new things. This includes learning how to live a healthier life assisted by green tea,

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Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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Friday, September 27, 2013

How Can You Flip on Your Weight Loss Switch?

If your goal is to lose weight or burn off extra fat, getting started is often the hardest part. With so much conflicting information out there, and the thought of spending a good amount of time exercising, it's difficult to get off the so-called starting blocks.

It would be easy if you could just flip a fat burning switch and quickly get down to your perfect weight!

Since there isn't an actual switch, you have to do it the old fashioned way- work with your mind. This is not as difficult as it sounds, although it will require SOME work!

Here are 4 ways you can flip your internal switch and get your body burning instead of storing fat:

1. Use food association. When you eat that plate of pasta, picture it going right to your gut or butt. Align sugar with something negative- extra fat, or a drain on your immune system- rather than an uplifting drug. On the contrary, think of vegetables, nuts, olive oil, etc. as your fat burners. You eat these and fat melts away! In a short time you can make major advances towards your weight loss goals.

2. Make workouts fun and interesting. The great thing about exercising is that there are so many healthy forms of it. You don't have to be stuck doing one thing. Instead of doing the traditional workout of running or getting on a treadmill, you can participate in a group sport. If sports aren't your thing, you could try yoga. Or, simply try listening to music or your favorite podcast while you walk or work out. It's pretty easy to make exercise fun if it isn't already.

3. Accept. You have to accept where you are. Are you 10 pounds over your ideal weight? 20? 40? Being completely honest in this area with yourself will help put you on the path to achieving your goals much faster than if you are in any denial. Also, if you slip and eat an unhealthy meal or miss a workout, that's fine! Just jump right back to it and don't spend any time beating yourself up.

4. Embrace responsibility. It can sometimes seem like a negative to have to do all this yourself. The key is to take full responsibility for your life and your health. Make sure you are not blaming others, or your circumstance, for not being where you want to be in the fitness category.

Fruits to Help Lose Weight

Fruits can help you lose weight; this fact has been proven by all health experts across the globe. Even though many people know about the benefits that come with fruits, still you can find hardly any people who include fruits in their daily diet. Unless you have included fruits in your diet, you cannot say that you are following a healthy weight loss diet plan.

Fruits contain all the natural vitamins and minerals in correct proportion. Fresh fruits are the ones you must look for as they are one of the richest sources of nutrients. Apart from these fresh fruits, you can also find processed fruits in the market. The nutrition values of the processed fruits are less compared to fresh fruits.

To lose weight, one must eat protein and fiber rich food items. Fruits are one of the best sources of proteins and fibers. Fruits are natural appetite suppressant. This means you won't feel hungry quickly and you can stay without food for a longer time. This can be immensely helpful for those who are keen on losing weight.

In order to lose weight, one must exercise regularly. Many people are not able to dedicate time for it. Hence, they take time in losing weight. You must keep in mind that if you are not able to perform any exercise, you must increase your daily activity. Fruits keeps you refreshed all day and becomes of which you can do all kinds of daily activities without any stress.

Fruits increase the metabolism of the system and thereby help in reducing the fats which eventually leads to weight loss. Some of the fruits that can bring about easy weigh loss are apples, apricots, bananas, mangoes, papaya and oranges.

If you get bored of eating fruits, you can also try protein shakes, fruit juices and vegetable juices to kill your hunger. You can also make fasten your process of losing weight by eating weight loss diet pills and supplements.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Developing a Weight Loss Plan

One can just look around these days, wherever one might be, and see that many, many people are in dire need of an effective weight loss plan.

The health problems that carrying around excess weight invites are legion. So if you're among those who want to trim down, get in better shape generally and, most importantly, get healthy, it's planning time.

Right out of the chute, you need to set your goals in a sensible and reasonable manner. Don't get too ambitious. Set a realistic weight loss goal over a realistic period of time and you'll have a much better chance at success.

Don't try to attain levels that you couldn't even attain 30 years ago. In much the same manner as exercise, if you couldn't run a 6 minute mile when you were 25, you have zero chance of accomplishing this feat now that you're 47.

Here's something else to use as a guideline. It's called your BMI, or your Body Mass Index. It's a solid barometer to use to judge just how much weight you should lose.

According to the National Institute of Health, the ideal measurement is approximately between 19 and 24.9, although many athletes have BMIs considerably lower.

If you're over that 25 reading, you're overweight - over a 30 reading and you need to get serious.

It should go without saying that incorporating a good exercise regimen into your program is a must. Weight training is also a positive, since building more muscle mass promotes the burning of more calories.

Bottom line is, develop a sensible weight loss plan you can live with and stick to it faithfully. If you do, you will be successful.

Healthy Weight Loss Essentials You Must Include in Your Diet

In order to achieve healthy weight loss you must focus on fitness rather than being thin. Sometimes the want to be thin can often lead to restricted eating or over exercising, and anxious obsessing about weight. This is not a healthy mindset, which can have a negative effect on your overall health.

Ever since the ancient ages, herbs have been a respected resource in general because of the ability they produce for symptoms of numerous complications linked with our health system, is also applicable to obesity.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Minimizing Weight Gain

Have you lost your excess pounds and now having trouble keeping the weight off? Well, that is something that affects most people who have successfully lost weight. There is a safe and healthy way to keep the unwanted pounds away. Healthy weight loss should be the goal of anyone required to lose unhealthy fat. When done that way you keep weight off permanently.

Here are some choices you can make to minimize gaining weight:

Exercise -- To fight excess weight, set your goal for at least a half hour of exercise, 5 days a week. A 30 minute walk in a jogging area or around your neighborhood will work wonders. If you are having a bad day, go out for a walk. You will be amazed at how it will clear your mind and improve your attitude.

When you drive to the store or shopping center do not continue to look for a parking place in front of or near the store. Instead, park a block or so away and walk to the store. Any opportunity you get, opt in for walking. You will be surprised at how it helps to make you feel good and enhance your goal of losing weight.

Healthy Snacks -- When the munchies hit, be sure to have good food choices within easy reach:


Fast Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

This is how to lose weight fast. There are many people who have successfully implemented the techniques in this article and achieved that skinny body they and everyone longs for. The techniques can be implemented TODAY without expensive machinery or memberships and I recommend you do.

Here is How to Lose Weight Fast:

1. Make sure your portion sizes are reasonable and begin to cut them down as well as what you are eating.

2. Make sure you say no when the chocolates and cakes come round the office. Have a substitute such as nuts to help restrain you.

3. If you have peanut butter in the house, bin it and don't buy anymore. It's too nice and too tempting.

4. Don't buy your lunch in work, take your own. This will enable you to monitor yourself better and control what you eat.

5. Buy a few really nice items of clothing in the size you wish to be, this will act as an incentive for you.

6. Exercise - bodyweight squats, aerobics or the like. Don't overdo it but do something which gets the blood pumping around the body for 30 minutes a day.

Make sure your diet is focused on weight loss. Eating protein will speed your metabolism up and help burn fat so choose a diet which includes approx 20g per serving. Weight loss isn't as easy as changing your diet and simply eating the right foods (fruit, vegetables etc), there is more to it than that.

Click: [] to get FREE weight loss resources and help with choosing the right diet. These resources are available for a limited time only. The resources on this website will help you EASILY lose 10lbs in the next week or ten days.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Consult Reviews to Know What Weight Loss Pills Are Best

A review what weight loss pills are the best would show you that the result is more often than not dependent on the experience of a user. What could be best for one would not necessarily work for another or cause an entirely different effect. With regards to side effects, it's the same thing. While FDA-approved weight loss pills are safe for use, some people might be more sensitive to some with particular ingredients and therefore experience side effects that do not manifest themselves in others.

Part of the review what weight loss pills are the best would also tell you that while there are numerous weight loss pills available in the market, there would be instances that they have the same ingredients only in different formulations. Some of these ingredients include Hoodia Gordonii, Green Tea, and Chromium. Hoodia Gordonii mainly functions as an appetite suppressant while Green Tea helps increase the body's metabolic rate, and Chromium functions by increasing the production of glucose tolerance factors in cells leading to increased levels of energy in the body.

In a review what weight loss pills are the best, take into consideration that your safety should always be your priority. Apart from being efficient in aiding your weight loss goals, the best weight loss pills are only made up of ingredients that are safe. To help you determine what weight loss pills are safe to use, look up the ingredients list of one and compare it to a list of ingredients or substances banned by the FDA.

If you're interested in starting your own review what weight loss pill are the best, ask for opinions from other weight loss pill consumers. Taking into consideration what weight loss pills work for other people can help you gauge their efficiency and ultimately, if they can be the best.

Fast Weight Loss - 3 Tips For Success

Are you having trouble figuring out the simple, quickest, and most effective ways to lose weight fast? If you said yes, you are not alone, because most people who are struggling to lose weight are only struggling because they haven't been given the right tools to help them shed the weight.

In the next two minutes you will learn three great tricks that will start you down the right path to successful weight loss.

1. Eat smaller meals, more frequently

A successful person must adopt the concept of eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Even just taking your current meals and dividing them up into smaller ones is a great start. Once you start to see results with this method you can slowly implement healthier foods to even further your results.

2. Exercise intensely and infrequently

One of the biggest misconceptions about weight loss is that you must spend hours and hours inside the gym if you really want to see great results. This is a myth, and if you want fast and effective results the best approach is to workout 2-3 times per week with great intensity. This means doing intense bouts of cardio combined with intense weight lifting.

3. Eating junk food is alright

If you are using sound nutritional principles and starting to see some results, one of the best ways to propel your results to the next level is to have a day where you eat your favorite foods and enjoy yourself. This is beneficial because it actually stimulates the metabolism and burns more fat.

Small secrets like these will be the cornerstone of your effective weight loss strategy.